16 Dec 2022
Dear Parents,
In 2023 Rosemeadow Public School will be changing from Seesaw to Sentral for parent communication, through the use of the Sentral parent portal app. Sentral has been vetted rigorously to ensure they have met Department of Education requirements, and comply with NSW Government correct levels of cyber and data security.
Seesaw will cease from 31st of December 2022. Please ensure you have downloaded any pictures you wish to keep before this date.
Sentral will be available from the first day of school, instructions will be sent home with your child in 2023. The parent Portal will provide parents with information about each student's progress in our school. Sentral is an integrated platform that will facilitate attendance, well-being and reporting mechanisms.
Until further notice our main communication will be through Facebook and the Rosemeadow Public School website.
As we progress this initiative, I am confident that the Parent Portal will become more and more significant in your day-to-day management of your child's enrolment at our school.
Paul Hughes