Rosemeadow Public School

Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity and Success

Telephone02 4621 1733


What is Schools as Community Centres? (SaCC)

A Schools as Community Centres are:

  • A school based local community centre for families with children from birth to 8 years.
  • A Government initiative administered by the NSW Department of Education and Communities.
  • A place that can link you with other services in the local area.
  • SaCC provides a range of free activities and programs for families tto promote healthy and happy families and give children a positive start to school.
  • Parent's views and ideas for projects that will help build a strong community are welcome.
  • Everyone is welcome - parents with children at school, parents with babies and young children, grandparents.

How to find the Centre

The Centre is at Rosemeadow Public School. Just come into the Administration Block and ask for SaCC and the staff will direct you to the Centre.


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