Rosemeadow Public School

Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity and Success

Telephone02 4621 1733

English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D)

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address PO Box 63 Campbelltown NSW 2560

64 Anthony Drive Rosemeadow NSW 2560

telephone 02 4621 1733 02 4621 1733

fax 02 4621 2033 02 4621 2033

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Rosemeadow Public School welcomes, values and supports students from a language background other than English and promotes an open and tolerant attitude towards different cultures, religions and world views.

Students who are learning English as a Second Language are provided with appropriate support to develop their English language and literacy skills across the curriculum so that they are able to fully participate in schooling and achieve equitable educational outcomes. On enrolment the EAL/D teacher assesses the needs of Newly Arrived students and determines the type of support required, dependent on the EAL/D learners’ level of English proficiency in speaking, listening reading and writing.

As EAL/D students will spend most of their time in mainstream classrooms, the school ensures that all teachers understand the needs of their EAL/D students and are able to meet these needs.

Individual and/or small group support will be given to EAL/D students, who require high-level explicit instruction to develop their English language proficiency.