Rosemeadow Public School is located 8 klms south of Campbelltown.
The school is characterised by diverse family dynamics and cultures which make up its school community and provide a safe and positive environment for our students to learn.
Our purpose is to cater for all students to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable them to live a happy, peaceful and cooperative life.
We value and believe in the education of the whole child and provide special programs such as - Accelerated Literacy, Count Me in Too, Active After Schools Program, Aboriginal Education etc. to achieve this.
Our community values academic excellence and equity for all.
Visions and beliefs
Rosemeadow Public School aims to inspire excellence in teaching and learning by providing engaging and individualised programs that foster positive and supportive relationships and resilience. Authentic engagement with community partners reflects community aspirations and priorities, establishing a shared vision.
School Motto
With Friendship We Grow.
Rosemeadow Public School Community will ensure that all students in our care acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to participate fully in the life of the school and contribute to our complex and rapidly changing society in a peaceful and co-operative way.
School Pledge
I have the right to play safely and learn
Without others interfering with my work, play or property
I have the responsibility to let others play safely and learn
Without interfering with their rights.