Rosemeadow Public School

Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity and Success

Telephone02 4621 1733

Reading Recovery Program

Reading Recovery is an early intervention program for students in their second year of school who are 'at risk' in literacy learning.

Assessment - lowest 20% of readers.Students work individually with a specially trained Reading Recovery teacher for 30 minutes every day for an average period of 12-20 weeks. (Department cost $4000 per student). The program is individually tailored to meet the needs and abilities of each child, always allowing the student to be successful in learning.

The program helps them achieve accelerated progress so that they can perform within the average range of their class. (Guided Reading Level 16).This program also relies on specific support and input from home. The Reading Recovery teacher will work with parents and give them strategies to assist their child with this special learning program.The majority of students will achieve the expected reading level (80-90%), but for those who don't achieve they go on to receive long term support in literacy- Learning Support Team.

Read Recovery

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