Rosemeadow Public School

Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity and Success

Telephone02 4621 1733

Assessment and reporting

Our teachers use a variety of strategies to assess student learning. These include observing work in class and looking closely at tasks throughout the year.

Twice a year, teachers formally assess a student’s achievement based on the outcomes described in the syllabus of each subject. A written report using the common grade scale is sent home in the first half of the year, usually near the end of Term 2, and again in Term 4. This gives a clear picture of your child’s learning.

At Rosemeadow Public School we are continually improving and refining the way we report and assess. Student assessment information is used to identify areas of strength and areas for further development for each student. Student performance information is collated from both school based and external measures such as NAPLAN.

The use of the department's PLAN software enables the tracking and monitoring of students' progress against the Literacy and Numeracy Continuums for all students from Kindergarten to Year 10. The regular analysis of data allows teachers to make more informed decisions and assists in identifying specific areas of difficulty that need to be addressed. All students requiring extra assistance are identified and provided with Individual Learning Programs by the Learning Support Team.

Staff at Rosemeadow Public School are currently embedding formative assessment practices to improve learning outcomes. Formative assessment incorporates clear learning intentions and success criteria that allow for explicit feedback to move each student forward in their learning. 

Our teachers use a variety of strategies to assess each student's work which includes observations and work samples. The staff at Rosemeadow Public School are committed to providing the best educational opportunities for all students.


We provide detailed information to students about what we expect from them throughout the year and how their work will be assessed. Students have a number of formal assessments throughout their schooling.