Rosemeadow Public School

Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity and Success

Telephone02 4621 1733

Lilypads Play Group

Lilypads Playtime:

* Lilypads is for children from birth to 5 years and their parents.

* Lilypads is being held in the Community Room.

* Please bring some morning tea for your child, tea and coffee will be provided.

* For more information and commencement date please call Wendy Wallis on: 4621 4902 



                                         Time for learning

                                        Miss Wendy



Lilypads is a fun group for pre-schoolers and their parents and is held in the Community Room.


Children and parents have the opportunity to play with play dough, paint beautiful pictures, as well as play with lego. We also have a small book library and children can borrow books each week.


Story time with Miss Wendy

Wendy and story time         Story time








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